
Questions, Questions

What genres do you write?
Contemporary Women’s Fiction is where reality lives on the page for me. I am happy for others to write fantasy, gothic, and romance. That said, I do enjoy scripting intimate scenes.

Did you fly by the seat of your pants or plot your story?
My characters drive the story. Imaginary or not, they are what compels me to sit down at the computer and begin a dialogue. When I’m in the car or performing domestic chores they’re always in my head. Flying Solo was particularly fun because it meant I was continually surrounded by men.

Do you color your hair?
Are you kidding? Of course I do. It should be required for any woman over 40.

I really want to write. Any advice?
Yes, don’t clean your house. Hang a Turkish Evil Eye ornament on your study door to keep family out, forget the dishes and ask someone else, “what’s for dinner?” Huff and puff as though you are in pain while you are secretly having the time of your life tapping away on the computer.

Are the names of the characters in your novels important?
Very much so. Characters with familiar names don’t leap off the page for me but those christened with a unique moniker have gravitas. Reid, Spencer, and Taylor all have a scent of manliness.

Who’s your favorite author?
It depends what I am looking for: escape, entertainment, inspiration, passion, adventure.
For sheer depth of writing I do enjoy Lionel Shriver.

When do you get a burst of inspiration?
Inconveniently when I’m brushing my teeth at night. My notes are always spattered with toothpaste.

How much impact did your childhood have on your writing?
Lots. I was born with a playful nature. It is more difficult for me to write stressful situations as I am inclined to want to frame my characters in the best possible light. As they say, ‘happiness writes white’…contentment seldom sells books.

What about birth order?
I am Alpha and Omega, first and last; in other words an only child. It is a gift to be the center of attention of loving parents. That sense of importance has remained with me all my life.

Do you laugh at your own jokes?

Always, but I am often stumped by New Yorker cartoons. I am hopeless at subtlety.

Do you enjoy reading your own work?
It is mandatory in this profession to read one’s writing; especially during the revision stage. If you bore yourself you have a problem on your hands.

What is the value of a good book?
To replenish the spirit and encourage resourcefulness.

Are you fun to go with on holidays?

You bet I am! I want to be as irresponsible as possible. Go to parties every night and stay up till dawn. Sadly, I can’t remember the last time I saw the sunrise. But I do frequently catch the 10:00pm news.

You have dual citizenship. Do you consider yourself American or British?
My heart holds the answer to that question but thanks for asking.